"To Know God’s Love and to Share it with Others"
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Pastoral Working Group

The Pastoral Working Group would like you to know that, if you, or anyone you know of, needs a visit from the Minister or one of the pastoral visitors we will be happy to arrange this.

Please phone the Minister, Rev Colin Milligan, on 028-91-815959 or contact one of the members of the Pastoral Working Group listed.

Please remember

The Minister and Pastoral visitors do make regular calls but we need to know if you need a visit. Give us a call if you are aware of a need.

We are trying to make sure that our church is a caring community.

You can help us do this by popping in to check on elderly, ill or vulnerable members of our church community known to you and if you feel there is a need for a church visitor or the Minister to call – LET US KNOW – and WE WILL GO.

Members of the Pastoral Working Group.

Colin Milligan                 Daphne Twinem          Jennifer Stutt

Val Tweed                      Margaret Cairns

Joy Cooper                      Mary Mulligan              Helen Dunwoody

Audrey McKee                Connor Cunningham   Howard Ming