"To Know God’s Love and to Share it with Others"
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Prayer Life



Prayer link

Prayer requests are received sometimes by personal contact or by phone /text or e-mail.  The amount of detail given is up to the individual, no questions will be asked.

This request is then relayed by text to our prayer link members.

We are a group of people who have made a commitment to

  • Pray every day for the request received.
  • To keep all details confidential.

If you would like us to pray for you please contact.

Prayer Link – Contact Margaret Cairns on 91812643 or 07972221775 at any time. Please remember that any information given will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Personal Prayer Ministry

Members of the prayer team are available to pray with you after morning service. (Except the 1st Sunday in the month which is Communion Sunday)

This takes place at the ‘prayer corner’ which is at the back of the Church .

Prayer Request Book

This book is in the front porch of the Church and gives the congregation or visitors an opportunity to place a written prayer request, which will be included during the Prayers of Intercession in both Morning and Evening services and again during our Tuesday time of prayer.

Church Prayer Diary

This diary covers a 3 monthly period and is used to help focus our prays on various aspects of church and community life and countries where faith costs the most.

Tuesday Time of Prayer 1.00-1.30pm

This is a short time of reading reflection and prayer.